In 2019, the digital sector is responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and this share could double by 2025. Other significant impacts exist: energy, water, biodiversity, natural resources.

For organizations, evaluating the environmental impact of all their digital components is the starting point for any effective impact reduction strategy.

This approach can help to:

  • Obtain a detailed and analytical knowledge of the environmental impact of the organization's digital technology,particularly the high impact items (equipment, projects, jobs, location, etc.)
  • Define an informed action plan for eco-optimization, and monitor impact reduction over time
  • Capitalize on the effects of digital sobriety: reduce IT costs, improve performance, etc.
  • Anticipate legal / legislative changes, benefit from incentives
  • Develop the employer brand, attract / recruit / retain employees
  • Contribute to embody and enhance the social responsibility of the organization

Unfortunately, in 2021, to our knowledge, there is no standard and public methodology to evaluate the environmental impact of digital technology.

In order to fill this gap, we have co-constructed the Boavizta methodology to evaluate the environmental impact of digital organizations, with numerous reference companies and experts in the sector.

The Boavizta V1 methodology to evaluate the environmental impact of digital organizations:

  • Covers an "Infrastructure" scope: Data Center, Network, Workplace, Cloud
  • Is based on an inventory of equipment and an impact data repository
  • Integrates the complete life cycle of equipment: Manufacturing, use, end of life
  • Is multi-criteria: CO2, water, biodiversity, natural resources (depending on data)
  • Crosses several approaches for increased reliability / accuracy
  • Is part of an iterative process of continuous improvement
  • Is simple, exhaustive, actionable: 32-step process
  • Details each step: task, assumptions, input and output data, limits
  • Is co-constructed with reference companies and industry experts
  • Is subject to continuous improvement and evolution
  • Is free of charge, available under a CC-BYSA license

Boavizta's methodology to evaluate the environmental impact of digital accross organizations is intended for Digital/Green IT, IT, CSR, Purchasing and General Management teams.

We would like to open a discussion with the users of the methodology, to share feedback, updates, improvements and results. To receive it, do not hesitate to ask for it through our contact form.